Social Media Marketing

Establish Your Brand As A Niche Authority With A Solid Social Media Presence

Hire Social Media Marketing Services

Over the last few years, Social Media has grown into a top marketing channel for brands and businesses. Nearly 50% of the world’s population uses social media.

Social Media Marketing should be an essential part of your business strategy. Your business stands a better chance of getting into the right audience’s faces when you explore the over 3 billion user population.

How can I help?

With a great social media marketing strategy, you can achieve your online business goals, build brand awareness, and increase revenue and profit.

I take time to understand your goals, or set up clear, realistic, and SMART goals if you have none. Next, we try to understand your customers and competition and review existing strategies.

These findings will serve as the foundation for developing and launching your custom Social Media Marketing Strategy. Post-launch, I will provide you with reports detailing your periodic growth, while also monitoring the progress.

What else?

I can also handle your;

I help businesses manage their social media pages effectively. If you have none, we can start from scratch and build large followership on the right platform(s). This comes with generating leads and increasing conversions through tested and trusted content creation and distribution strategies.

I help businesses reach more people through social media advertising WITH A BUDGET. I do this through a clear understanding of your business goals, your target audience, and your ideal customer persona.

Vast social media audiences demand effective community management. You need to constantly engage with your new followers and customers. I create custom engagement strategies that ensure this while providing online customer support.

let's get to work

According to SmartInsights, 63% of customers expect companies to offer customer service via their social media channels, and 90% of social media users have already communicated with brands via social media.

I’ll love to help you get started on building/managing your brand/business on social media.

Contact me today.

You can also visit my Blog.

client's feedback

“Amazing work, super attention to detail, excellent client communication. Opeyemi never takes his job for granted which is so hard to find with today's freelancers.”
“Opeyemi did a decent job and was able to follow my instructions as requested. He was open to feedback and was communicative throughout the whole process.”
Ample Chance Group
About Me

Hi there!
I am John Oladokun Opeyemi. A Content Writer, Social Media Analyst and SEO Strategist. I love helping brands and businesses achieve their objective via working digital solutions. Welcome to my Space.

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